Animation change.

No we will look at how to change the animations in the Playpens, so the look right, and fit into The new background...

Open your Familyroom, in LNZpro, with the couch I will suggest, that you remove the animation all Away from our Familyroom file, this is easy, by finding the place in "FLH" where the couch is, that will be FAMILYROOM_SOFA in the left box, and then put the cursor Into the right box, with the numbers, change them all into 0's, and save the file, now is the couch animation gone.

You can do this with everything in the Playpen, there is animated or interactive things in the room.
This was the easy way to remove thing/functions in a Playpen.

Okay, if we wish to change the curtains in the Familyroom, we have to work a little more.
"FLH" file is the file, there tells where in the room the animation is.
"FLM" file is the picture.

So to change the curtain in the windows animation, we need to save the files first, I have saved them under The name "Window". FLH and FLM is the files sure name.
Mark "FAMILYROOM_WIND" and right click, then click "Save to file..." and Save the FLH file like this "Window.flh", then the FLM file the same way, but like this "window.flm"
See the pictures bellow:

Now you need Tinker to change the picture.

Click on "File", and then "Open split FLH, FLM..." The program will ask you to first open your FLH file, And then jumps on to ask for your FLM file, when you have done that, Tinker will look as if you are hexing clothing, or other things for Babyz, now you can change the colors of your curtains.

When you have change the animation, (you do this like normal in Tinker) You just click on "Filer" and then "Save", Or just the icon of the disk.

I suggest that you remove the curtain, from the animation, so you can change the Colors of the curtain in the backgrounds picture, and this way you do not need To change it in the animation again...

Back to LNZpro, now you have to put your new animation into the Playpen, You do this by marking the "FAMILYROOM_WIND" under FLH, and then right click on it, like we did When we wanted to save this file, but now we want the new file in our Familyroom, so this time you Click on the "Replace from file...", you do this with both the FLH file and your FLM file, now save Your Familyroom, and try it out. It should now be a room with new curtains.

Have fun.